becoming a self in history, becoming a self in my street
Carole Fulton
When Carole went to Art School she became involved with a group of friends
who bullied one of the other students. The bullying was initiated by one woman in the group. Unexpectedly,
when this had been going on for two years, Carole was advised by a tutor to go to the very woman who was
being bullied for help in writing her dissertation. This she did. This woman then helped her with her work as if
there had never been any problem. Furthermore, she helped her in a very caring and useful way. This made
Carole go back to her friends and tell them how she had been helped by the very person they had so
demonised. As a result she lost a lot of her old friends but she became close to her new friend. This friendship
continued long after they had been to art school and meant a lot to them both. Years later this friend asked
Carole what it was about her that had made the students bully her. Carole explained that she herself had had
no problems with her at all; she had just gone along with the crowd. Her reason for doing this, she explained,
was that she had never had friends at school and that now she was at art school she just couldn’t cope with
being an outsider again. Added to this, she said, she had found her new friend very open. She, on the other
hand, was keeping a tight rein on what she revealed of herself. She had avoided her not only to fit in with the
other students, but because she was afraid that being close to her meant that she too would open up and make
herself more vulnerable to judgement. Carole said that she still feels ashamed about what she allowed to
happen in her bid to fit in and belong. She then became very passionate and said, ‘I can never forget what I
did and I don’t want to because it helps me to remember not to do that again.’